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Online Coaching is arguably the most effective training plan you could sign up to. 


The reason it is so effective is because you get a complete training and nutrition plan that is designed specifically for you and for your goals, and you get daily support to make sure you stay on track.


So, how is this different from 1-2-1 Personal Training you may ask?  Well, personal training is not affordable to most people so what they do, is hire a PT once a week or twice a week.  The rest of the week you are left on your own, to do your own workout or take some classes because your fee only covers the hour that you are with your trainer.  Unless you have the funds to train three times a week, or more, with your trainer, most people only end up being motivated to do the one or two sessions a week with their trainer and therefore aren't really seeing results.   


With online coaching, you're getting a complete week's worth of training plans, programmed specifically for you.  That's every single training session you do, planned out for you to make sure you get the results you want, the nutrition guidance to go along with it and the daily support to make sure you stay on track.  


This is honestly the last programme you will ever want to try because it's the one that's finally going to get you to the place you want to be.  


Here is a complete outline of what's included in my online coaching programme.


  • Bespoke training programme

  • Bespoke nutrition guidelines

  • Daily communication and support to make sure you stay on track

  • Weekly check-ins


Book in for a free consultation to find out how I can help you reach your goal.

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